Help: Guidelines for using the Shop

How to Purchase products with OpenCart on this website:

The easiest way to do this is to be a registered customer, with an address set up before attempting to do the checkout / payment process. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Add the products that you want to purchase to the Cart. (You can also add products that you are interested in to the 'Wishlist'. Wish-listed products are not in the Cart, but they are easily found later from anywhere in the shop including from the Cart page.)
  2. From the top menu 'My Account" -> Register, to register as a new Customer. If you are already a registered Customer, just log in.
  3. Then choose to add an address and make it the default address. Do this before going into the Cart.
  4. Now go into the Cart and do the Checkout. Ensure that you are logged into the account, so you will not have to enter name and address details again. 
    1. Select the address you already entered;
    2. Choose the "Stripe" Payment Method from the dropdown (ie Stripe is the only payment method currently used, so please select it),
    3. Select "I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions".
    4. Now you can enter your Payment Card Details at the bottom. If they are correct the 'Submit Payment' button will become selectable. Hit it, then wait a few seconds for a payment confirmation message to appear.

If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions to refine this help information, please contact us via the Contact Form.