Help: Guidelines for using the Shop
How to Purchase products with OpenCart on this website:
The easiest way to do this is to be a registered customer, with an address set up before attempting to do the checkout / payment process.
Follow these steps:
- Add the products that you want to purchase to the Cart. (You can also add products that you are interested in to the 'Wishlist'. Wish-listed products are not in the Cart, but they are easily found later from anywhere in the shop including from the Cart page.)
- From the top menu 'My Account" -> Register, to register as a new Customer. If you are already a registered Customer, just log in.
- Then choose to add an address and make it the default address. Do this before going into the Cart.
- Now go into the Cart and do the Checkout. Ensure that you are logged into the account, so you will not have to enter name and address details again.
- Select the address you already entered;
- Choose the "Stripe" Payment Method from the dropdown (ie Stripe is the only payment method currently used, so please select it),
- Select "I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions".
- Now you can enter your Payment Card Details at the bottom. If they are correct the 'Submit Payment' button will become selectable. Hit it, then wait a few seconds for a payment confirmation message to appear.
If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions to refine this help information, please contact us via the Contact Form.